For Scoring 800
Ways to Utilize SAT® Vocab 800
Individual Study Guide for enrichment of SAT Vocabulary. The eight hundred words in this guide are among the most common words used in SAT Reading Comprehension, Sentence Completion, and Diction questions. This book provides a thorough knowledge of these words and is an invaluable asset for understanding and answering SAT questions. This book consists of forty chapters containing an essay and two vocabulary lessons in reading comprehension which can be completed in approximately one hour. A student can study one lesson and will have gained a strong command of ten vocabulary words. This is, despite the claims of others, the greatest amount of vocabulary words that can be assimilated in a short period of time. Three vocabulary tests are included in each lesson and a final exam for each chapter serves to illustrate the student’s progress in learning these valuable words.
Supporting Examples for SAT Writing are included in this book as most of the Words in Context and Sentence Completion exercises are derived from historical events and are helpful in providing students with information that could be utilized as supporting evidence in the writing of an SAT essay. In addition, the essays at the end of each chapter provide a wealth of information that can also be utilized as supporting evidence in the writing of an SAT essay.
AP Class Vocabulary can be enhanced by mastering all of the vocabulary words in this book. These words are equally applicable to SAT tests, AP tests, and increase the efficacy of a student's writing ability through an enhanced vocabulary.
SAT® Vocab 800: making SAT vocabulary acquisition effective and engaging 1. SAT Vocab 800 contains 800 of the most common words used in the SAT Critical Reading section. It doesn't, however, merely list the words and force the student to devise ways to memorize them. Each of its 40 chapters is divided into 2 lessons of 10 words--a perfect sum to absorb and review in one sitting. The lessons have a pre-test, definitions containing the primary and secondary meanings of the word, and 3 reinforcement activities. At the end of each chapter is a final exam along with a fill-in-the-blank essay. Contents of Each Chapter • Pretest (Words 1-10) • Definitions • Sentence Completion • Quick Vocabulary Quiz • Mid-Term Examination (Words 1-10) • Pretest (Words 11-20) • Definitions • Sentence Completion • Quick Vocabulary Quiz • Final Examination • Themed Essay (fill-in blanks)