Stanford premed

Treading the Pre-Med Path

Treading the Pre-Med Path

As a pre-med student you’ll take a series of classes in organic and inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, biology, calculus, physics, and possibly genetics—the list, though pretty uniform, might vary slightly by school. That’s it. You aren’t obligated to major in biology or chemistry, in fact, Stanford’s Premedical Association states on its website: “It is ‘convenient’ to major in Biology (sic) because many of the premed requirements are also requirements for the Biology (sic) major, so it requires less time to complete both. However, medical schools also like to accept premed students, who have broad interests and have chosen a non-traditional major, so do not be deterred if you are passionate about Art History (sic). In conclusion, you can major in any subject you want!”  (,  15 January 2011).