When applying to college, it’s a very good idea to use a checklist to ensure all the requirements are submitted by deadline. A generic checklist, such as the one found at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56bcde7df85082b0eecac2e5/t/56e8822e55640b2933acc2d4/1294954817013/sampleorganizer.pdf, covering recommendations, thank you letters, special submissions, financial aid…, might be sufficient, but the problem is many schools have so many offerings that a customized checklist might prove more effective. Devising your checklist will depend on the schools and the programs of interest.
Communications Major Considered
What is a ‘communications’ major, and what do you do with it? A good starting point is the College Board’s Majors and Career Central http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profile. There you will discover that Communications encompasses a range of subjects: advertising, digital media (anything from website design, ecommerce, to writing for web-based media), journalism (copyediting, magazine writing, broadcast news...), public relations, and radio and television.