undergraduate research

Tips for Successfully Transitioning to University

Tips for Successfully Transitioning to University

How does a fledgling student spend her time within a university to gain a better education?

Andrew Roberts, an assistant professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, addresses this very question in his The Thinking Student’s Guide to College, 75 Tips for Getting a Better Education, He begins by explaining how a university works, how to best approach professors, and how to work within the university to derive the best education.

The Checklist and the College Application Process

The Checklist and the College Application Process

When applying to college, it’s a very good idea to use a checklist to ensure all the requirements are submitted by deadline. A generic checklist, such as the one found at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56bcde7df85082b0eecac2e5/t/56e8822e55640b2933acc2d4/1294954817013/sampleorganizer.pdf, covering recommendations, thank you letters, special submissions, financial aid…, might be sufficient, but the problem is many schools have so many offerings that a customized checklist might prove more effective. Devising your checklist will depend on the schools and the programs of interest.